Jobs we thought must require a human touch and are therefore safe from AI aren't so immune after all. Driverless cars, robotics, payment systems, vision, and natural language understanding for a start.

These form a synergistic continuum that can eliminate the parker (valet), barker (doorman), greeter, checker (coat and hat), seater, order-taker, server, manager, entertainer, cleaner, and cashier. This revolution will have a much deeper impact than the mere loss of jobs, devastating as job losses can be.
After all, unemployment is nothing new. Anyone remember the following industries? Buggy whip makers, switchboard operators, or lift operators? How about knocker-uppers, aka wake-uppers: people whose job was to knock on the outside of your window to wake you up at a specified time in the morning; seriously, that used to be a job 100 years ago before the widespread use of the alarm clock!
But to the point:
Will automation, specifically AI-driven automation, eliminate jobs?
Will lost jobs be replaced by other jobs, just as it happened so far throughout history?
Is there a pragmatic solution to this AI revolution?
Find out on Emir Phillips - American Pragmatist